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A Decade of Activism at XP Trust

A small corner of the Frenchgate Shopping Centre is looking extra special at the moment, thanks to the curation of amazing artwork created by students across our Trust! This exciting exhibition umrellaed under the heading of ‘A Decade of Activism,’ is a snapshot of how the work of our children have been making a difference over the past ten years.

Stories that deserve to be shared

From protecting the planet to spreading kindness, these incredible displays nurtured from the students’ Expedition work show what really matters to young people. Each piece tells a powerful story about standing up for what’s right, helping others, and believing in a brighter future, which tie into our beliefs of community through activism, leadership and equity – sharing our stories as we go.

Whilst, also embracing our three rich curriculum seams Protecting Our Planet’, ‘Standing for Social Justice’ and ‘Cultivating Diversity & Belonging.’