One of the greatest aspects of working in Comms is our involvement with final products. As one of the conduits between the beautiful work the students produce and the outside world, we get to see tremendous amounts of well crafted, high quality activism before it lives out in the community.

This time of year is especially exciting for that reason. Not only are products culminating and being celebrated all up and down the country (two of us were in Newcastle this week to help launch yet another incredible book from XP Gateshead students) but planning and preparation has begun for Expeditions for the new year!
It has been great for Comms to work with staff on this, who through the process of Jeff’s Law actually model and make the product themselves first – if it’s good enough for our students, it’s good enough for us! This crucial stage allows the seeds of activism to be planted early on in the process – it means the students can engage with their learning knowing that their teachers have grappled with the product they’ll be making too!

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been in countless meetings and been privy to lots of really inspiring conversations about what our students across the Trust will be working on in September. We can’t reveal too much (because that’s what immersion and hook week are for!) but the prospect of supporting products full of beautiful stories, artwork and music that connects with all sorts of communities around the world is very exciting!
I for one can’t wait to see the impact the work will have on the world! Let’s do this, XP Trust!