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GQ: How inventive were the Romans and what did they do for Doncaster?

Expedition lead: Luke Oldridge
Curriculum: HUMAN/STEAM
Phase/Year group: LKS2
Delivery date: Autumn 2021

Our Learning:

The History case study drove this Expedition. Therefore, our hook and classroom Immersion week was centred on History. This excited the students and gave them a grounding in who the Romans were, the size of their empire and what Roman life was like. Following this, we undertook our first case study, Geography. This case study began using atlases and maps to look at where the Romans came from and how the Empire grew through large parts of Europe, including Great Britain. We then zoomed in and focused on Roman Movements in the UK and around Doncaster, this included using compasses to plot Roman roads.

The second case study was our primary one, History. Initially, we added detail to our prior weeks by looking at Roman life and the empire. We then followed up our Geography weeks by looking at the Roman’s impact on British history and their interactions with the Celts. This included Romans soldiers, battles, life in the UK and Boudicca. To conclude history, we looked closely at the impact that the Romans had on our local area and what is left of the Romans in Doncaster. This added the essential community link and enabled the children to build up their background knowledge of Romas in the local area in order to create videos with a community link about the Romans.

Our final case study was Science. In this case study, we covered all the key Y3/4 curriculum objectives regarding light. The key link to the Romans was the use of beacons for communication. We also looked at what reflective surfaces the Romans used. This enabled us to complete the science part of the video. All in all, this allowed us to create a comprehensive product.

Final product

The final product drew together our 3 case studies using the golden thread that we had run through each of them. The product was a series of historical videos, in which the children played out the role of the historians bringing aspects of Roman life and 2000 year old history to life for their audience. Furthermore, children also filled essential roles such as scripting the videos and reenacting scenes from Roman life. Crucially, the children discussed and explained Roman history in Doncaster, making the key link to our local community. 

Learning Targets 


I can describe human geography, including: settlements and land use.

I can use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. (hook week)


I can give a broad overview of life in Britain from ancient until medieval times. (Hook week)

I can place events, artefacts and historical figures on a time line using dates.

I can understand the concept of change over time, representing this, along with evidence, on a time line.

I can use dates and terms to describe events.

I can use more than one source of evidence for historical enquiry in order to gain a more accurate understanding of history.

I can use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate


I can recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.

I can recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object.

I can find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.