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One of the wonderful things that happens across our Trust is that we are able to welcome visitors from all over our country and the world on a regular basis.

Whether from Chile, Australia, America or the Netherlands – our visitors come here so that we can share our mutual stories and our journey.

Whether it’s Crew or expeditions, our curriculum or character traits, our staff and students play their part in every visit telling their stories and listening to others’.

This week we hosted 37 delegates from schools across Aberdeenshire in Scotland.

This was the fourth visit for schools from this area over the last two years – co-ordinated with support from the Wood Foundation and the Edge Foundation; who we work with regularly and are proud to call our partners.

Over two days the group became Crew, as they experienced Ambassador tours and visited classrooms and joined our own Crew sessions.

Divided into three new Crews the delegates, as is tradition, chose their Crew names. So we had Crew (Billy) Connolly, Crew (Annie) Lennox and Cast & Crew.

On Wednesday afternoon they planned their micro-adventure and the following day set out into Doncaster Town Centre and across Lakeside to create their chosen stories.

The A-Z of Great things about Doncaster, painted stones left around Lakeside for people to find. with a word that described what crew means to them and the story of XP work in the community; were the three themes.

Presented by every Crew individually, at the end of the day on the XPE stairs, this was the perfect ending to two days of collaboration, compassion and Crew.

We’re already looking forward to the next delegate visit!!