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On the 6th May, primary school students from across the XP Trust took part in Better World Day. This is an event to raise awareness about the ways that we can all make our world a better place to live.

Students participated in Expeditions to learn about the importance of protecting our Earth and what they could do to help. Across the schools, beautiful artwork was created about how animals are affected by climate change, litter-picking and discussions on what we can do to keep our planet healthy. What was really powerful was that students from all of our primary schools had the fantastic opportunity to speak with EL schools in America via Zoom call, where they were able to discuss the actions they were taking to help our planet.

As part of their Expedition,our students also wrote, performed and released a song, aptly named ‘Dear World’, to inspire people to be activists, make a change and look after our world.

The song is centred around climate change, and the importance of looking after the planet, because as the song says, “there is no planet B”. Each school was given a different part of the song to write and they then came together to record the song at the in-house recording studio at XP. 

The children worked incredibly hard to make the song perfect and convey their passion for protecting our earth to the listeners, and hopefully inspire them to feel the same! Geoff Hewitt, who coordinated the creation of the song, had this to say about the work and its impact on the children.

“All the children were so engaged with the music and the lyric writing. This is true activism”.