Comms Crew – Strategic Planning

On Tuesday 26 April the Communications Team had a day away to reflect on the great work that the Comms Crew do for our Trust and consider how we can make this work even better.

We started with a crew session where we identified what qualities we see in each other – this was a chance to show our appreciations for each other. Afterwards, we began to share and capture our stories of success and work that we are proud of and considered what we could do to improve this work further. Conversations were honest and discerning and we began to challenge ourselves to focus on key areas for improvement.   

We captured our ideas around specific areas including:

  • Sharing Our Stories
  • Products
  • Curation
  • Technology
  • Induction and recruitment of new staff to the Trust

After we captured our thinking we started to scope out a Comms Crew narrative to inform our work over the coming year to ensure impactivity.

The anchor charts are displayed below!!

Finally, we created a Comms narrative for the coming year which we will share with colleagues for critique. Here it is in draft: